How to install whatsapp on bluestacks
How to install whatsapp on bluestacks

how to install whatsapp on bluestacks

(Ignore points 4 and 5 in case you have located whatsapp in the search)

how to install whatsapp on bluestacks

  • Once you clicks on the search button, you will find the Whatsapp Messenger in the result.
  • Click on App Search icon and type “ Whatsapp” without quotes and click on Search.
  • Once you have installed BlueStack App Player (if you have not installed you can download it from /download.html) you need to move further towards installing whatsapp.Īfter installing BlueStacks App Player, follow these instructions to download and install whatsapp You can download Microsoft NET framework 2.0 from here. BlueStacks App Player is an android emulator from BlueStacks that enables you to install android apps (or the apk) files. In order to install Whatsapp on your PC or Desktop you need to install BlueStacks App Player on your PC that you can download from the official website of the BlueStacks. How to install Whatsapp on your PC or Desktop
  • Basic knowledge of installation and browsing.
  • Microsoft NET framework 2.0 (in case of Windows XP).
  • This article will guide you smoothly that how you can install Whatsapp on your Personal Computer (PC) or on your desktop. But no worries, you can run whatsapp in your PC or the desktop. But the problem is that still these people are far from the smartphones either due to the financial problem or the family problem. In today’s date nearly about every citizen of India have cell phone. India considered to be at number 3 in the world in terms of using cell-phones. This time I’ve brought awesome trick that how you can install Whatsapp on your PC or the Desktop.

    How to install whatsapp on bluestacks